
Class 401.04



nosql vs sql

  1. What type of database is the best fit for the complex query intensive environment?

    SQL databases are often the best fit for complex query-intensive environments.

  2. What type of database is the best fit for hierarchical data storage?

    NoSQL databases are often the best fit for hierarchical data storage.

  3. Describe the differences in scalability between an SQL and NoSQL database as though you were speaking to a non-technical friend.

    SQL databases are like traditional restaurants with limited tables, while NoSQL databases are like food trucks that can easily expand by adding more trucks. NoSQL is more flexible when you need to grow quickly.

sql modeling techniques

  1. Among data tables, what is a one-to-many relationship and how do we “relate” them?

    A one-to-many relationship is like a parent and child. One parent can have many children. We relate them by using a foreign key in the child table that points to the parent.

  2. Prior to designing your relational database, it might be useful to __ a __ of the database tables and their relationships.

    Prior to designing your relational database, it might be useful to create a diagram of the database tables and their relationships.

  3. Explain the difference between a primary and foreign key.

    A primary key is like a unique ID for each row in a table, while a foreign key is like a reference to a primary key in another table. It helps establish relationships between tables.

sql vs nosql

  1. How do we treat keywords and parameters differently in SQL syntax?

    In SQL, keywords are like commands that tell the database what to do, while parameters are like placeholders for values that we want to insert or retrieve.

  2. Define normalization within the context of schemas and data.

    Normalization is like organizing your clothes into different drawers based on types (e.g., socks in one drawer, shirts in another). It helps reduce redundancy and makes data storage more efficient.

  3. Explain the difference between one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships to a non-technical recruiter.

    Sure, a one-to-one relationship is like having one key for one lock, a one-to-many relationship is like one key opening many locks, and a many-to-many relationship is like many keys opening many locks. It’s all about how things are connected.

Things I want to learn more about
