
Class 301.07



An Introduction to Node.js

  1. What is node.js?

    it’s a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine

  2. In your own words, what is Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine?

    is the JS scripting engine

  3. What does it mean that node is a JavaScript runtime?

    it means that we can run js outside of the browser

  4. What is npm?

    node package manager, QED

  5. What version of node are you running on your machine?


  6. What version of npm are you running on your machine?


  7. What command would you type to install a library/package called ‘jshint’?

    npm install -g jshint

  8. What is node used for?

    used to build a test environment

6 Reasons for Pair Programming

  1. What are the 6 reasons for pair programming?
    1. Greater efficiency
    2. Engaged collaboration
    3. Learning from fellow students
    4. Social skills
    5. Job interview readiness
    6. Work environment readiness
  2. In your experience, which of these reasons have you found most beneficial?

    Work environment readiness

  3. How does pair programming work?
    • Pair programming involves two roles:
      • The Driver is the one typing and writing the code
      • The Navigator thinks about the big picture and guides the Driver, but does not write code
      • The Navigator can also look up solutions and documentation
      • The two programmers switch off roles periodically

Things I want to learn more about
