
Class 301.06


let and const

API Keys



[What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team] To what extent did psychological safety impact your previous work experience?

it’s behind a paywall, so i can’t read it again, but I recall that it was psycological safety is endemic to all work situations, and therefore entirely impactful. How does this article inform your approach to working with others moving forward? it reminds me to be cognizant that we’re all approaching each situation slightly differently.

How I explained REST to my brother

  1. Who is Roy Fielding?

    He helped write the first web servers, that sent documents across the internet… and then he did a ton of research explaining why the web works the way it does. His name is on the specification for the protocol that is used to get pages from servers to your browser.

  2. Why don’t the techniques that we use in this class work well when we need to be able to talk to all of the machines in the world?

    there is no universally agreed upon noun by computers. There’s a ton of nouns (laptop, coffee, book, etc); but there are a few number of verbs that can be applied to them. GET, POST, PUT, PATCH are the verbs of computers.

  3. What is the HTTP protocol that Fielding and his friends created?

    When Fielding and his colleagues started building the web, being able to talk to any machine anywhere in the world was a primary concern. HTTP does this, by use of URL’s HTTP is actually a general purpose protocol for applying verbs to nouns

  4. What does a GET do?

    when you go to a web page, the browser does an HTTP GET on the URL you typed in and back comes a web page You can also GETmusic, video, data, etc.

  5. What does a POST do?

    If one system needs to add something to another system, it would use an HTTP verb of POST

  6. What does PUT do?

    If a system wants to replace something in another system, it uses an HTTP verb of PUT

  7. What does PATCH do?

    If a system wants to do a partial update to another system, it uses an HTTP verb of PATCH

Things I want to learn more about
