
Class 03 - Git

Tuesday MorningJune 27th 2023



typical work flow:

  1. git add <file>
  2. git commit -m "message for why we're staging the files"
  3. git push origin main
  4. git status // shows what files are staged/modified/etc, use whenever


  1. What is Version Control?
    • keeps track of multiple files across a diverse set of directories and different coders
    • without version control distributed teams would be overwriting
  2. What is cloning in Git?
    • Copies a cloud instance to a local computer
    • it can be done in a variety of ways
    • it does not imply continuous sync - it’s a one time thing
  3. What is the command to track and stage files?
    • git add <file(s)>
  4. What is the command to take a snapshot of your changed files?
    • git commit
  5. What is the command to send your changed files to Github?
    • git push origin main


Visual representation of what happens to a file in git